Succubus Information

The Basics:
All succubi are demons, not simply female vampires as some people mistake
them for. This most likely stems from the fact that succubi and vampires
share one major trait, the ability to drink the blood of their victims. This
ability, however, is not the only way a succubus can sustain herself, as
opposed to a vampire, who must drink blood to survive.
Succubi have the ability to drain a persons living essence straight from
their victim. This process can only be achieved through close, personal
contact. This is probably the reason that succubi have adopted the art of
seducing a victim before feeding. It must be noted, however, that succubi do
not have to actually sleep with a person to feed off of them. The process can
be done with as much as a simple kiss, but, as some succubi are quick to
point out, what fun is that? Of course, there are exceptions to these standards. Some succubi prefer to keep contact with their victims to a minimum. Others get a rush from letting there victims know what's really happening to them at the last moment. Again, it depends on the succubus. Because of their expertise in seduction and the sexual arts, lesser succubi are often highly sought after by greater demons and beings of high power. Naturally, not all succubi like this kind of arrangement, but some, on the other hand, prefer it. Again, this depends on the succubi, but most younger succubi prefer to stay among their own kind as part of their own families and clans.

All succubi can trace their origins back to a single woman named Lilith. (No
connection to Lilith Aensland.) The legends have this to say about her.
She was the first wife of Adam, the first man created by god. However, their
relationship was not a good one from the start.
Lilith was a 'independent' woman, and when Adam wanted to have intercourse
with her, she refused. This of course made Adam angry and he tried to force
himself on her. Instead of submitting to this marital rape, Lilith rescued
herself by speaking the one true name of god, thus vanishing from the mortal
world and from paradise (Eden).
Realizing that she was now and forever more banished from paradise, a
somewhat spiteful Lilith used her powers to create monsters and demons to
plague mankind. (Kind of makes you wonder what she thought about Adams new wife and what happened to them after they themselves where thrown out of paradise.) Of all her creations, Lilith only made three with actual souls.
These three 'daughters' were the first succubi. Lilith taught them the secret
to creating life and thus, the succubus race was created.

Culture and biology:
Succubi are all female, no ifs ands or buts. There are of course male
counter-parts in Incubi, but the two species very rarely get along very
well. Succubi believe that they are superior because they were made first,
Incubi believe the opposite because they are males and as such, are the
dominant race. Generally, however, succubi tend to be more powerful then there male counterparts and if a succubus comes across a lone incubus, chances are that the incubus will end up dead. (This, like all things, is subject to the whims of individual succubi.)
Succubi culture is based on family and clan. Generally, the older and more
powerful the succubus, the higher standing is in society. Of course, how high
a succubus can go also depends on her family standing. In other words, a
succubus that was born into a common family, would not have as high a
standing as a succubus born into the Aensland royal family. Does that mean
that a common born succubus can never reach greatness? No. But she will have to prove herself worthy of those positions. Succubi born into high families
also have to prove that they are worthy of the position that they are born
into, or else risk losing their standing. Succubi reproduce like their mortal counter-parts, however, who they mate with depends on what the child will be. It must be noted, that succubi very rarely get pregnant against their will unless its by an extremely powerful being or entity. The following is far from complete, but it does cover most
major unions.

With mortals: 
This rarely happens and the child is usually a Damphir, or Cambion (Half
mortal, half demon). This combination can be either male or female as per the
succubus' desire (which is usually female). These half-breeds are often more kindly disposed to the human race and usually try to live normally among them.

With Incubi: 
The child can be either male or female and has all the powers of
their race.

With most other types of demons:

The child is female. Another succubus.

With vampires:
These are extremely rare since most vampires are undead, but
these are some living 'true' vampires that do still exist. The union between
these two usually produces an ordinary succubus, however, exceptions are

Succubi are broken down into two major sub-races depending on their place of

Makai succubi: 
Are the natives of the Demon World, a shadow world of darkness and nightmares for mortal races. These succubi are characterized by the bat like wings on their back and head. Morrigan Aensland is a classic example of a Makai succubus.

Tanari succubi:
Are native to the demiplane most commonly known as hell. These
succubi are characterized by their more demonic appearance and usually have
small horns and tails. Some Tanari succubi have been known to have wings, but
none have them on their head like their Makai counter-parts.
Generally, Makai succubi are more powerful then Tenari succubi. However,
Tenari succubi are much more numerous then Makai succubi. This, in a way
keeps a balance between the two.
Since this is geared toward Makai succubi, the powers that follow are most
often seen among that particular race. If there is any interest in Tanari
succubi at a later date, then perhaps more will be written about them.

Powers and abilities:
The following list is for Morrigan and unless otherwise stated, her younger
sister, Lilith. Other succubi can do the same things, or something totally
different. As always, it depends on the succubus.

Flight: Morrigan can fly and hover off the ground. Surprisingly, this ability
has nothing to do with her wings. So, even if she gets her wings mortally
damaged, she can still fly.

Morrigan can teleport at will between certain distances. In
general, the older and more powerful the succubus, the farther she can

All Succubi are naturally adept in the magical arts. Telekinesis and other tricks of the mind are also a trait all succubi share.  Entering the dreams of sleeping men or women to arouse them and take them so they can feed without restraint has been known to happen.

All succubi have familiars. These are usually in the form of bats,
but other types are not unheard of. These familiar are in such close contact
to the succubus, that they can see and hear everything that the familiar
does. Some succubi have learned to manipulate their familiars to a wild
degree. Morrigan and Lilith having familiars form into their wings is a good
example. As a rule, the older a succubus is, the more familiars she has. i.e.
Laurisa, a 12 year old succubus, has some 15 familiars. Morrigan, on the
other hand, is over 300 years old and as such, has hundreds of familiars.

Energy projection:
Succubi, like most other demons, can fire energy blasts at an opponent is she desires. These energy blasts can be manipulated by succubi who have the skill. Morrigan, for example, makes her energy blasts look like large fire-bats, while her younger sister, Lilith, makes hers look like
smaller bats with hearts circling them. Morrigan has taken this farther by using her familiars to focus and amplify her energy blasts. Her familiars form a large 'cannon' and Morrigan pushes her energy through it creating a huge energy beam she calls her 'Soul Eraser'. Lilith has been known to do this too. One other attack of note is the 'Eternal Slumber'. This attack can only be used when both Lilith and Morrigan are together (or an equally powerful pair of succubi) and is so devastating, it can usually finish and opponent in one shot. During this attack, Lilith appears behind her older sister and hugs her, pouring her energy into Morrigan, who launches all that energy, plus her own, at her hapless opponent. The result is usually an opponent that is suspended in energy/time, with Morrigan able to do whatever she wants to them for a short period of time. This usually includes drawing out a bit of her opponent life force, to make up what she lost in launching the attack.

Morrigans wings can morph into just about anything she wishes.
i.e. an extra pair of hands, sharp blades, arrows on chains, a frying pan.
You name it, she can make it.  They also make a fairly effective shield.

Shape Shifting:
Succubi can take take the form of the object of another's lust in times of feeding or just for fun. They can change their appearance as long as they remain humanoid. (i.e. No dragons, or other animals.  Though spells that might allow them to expand their shape shifting talents can be taught to them.)

Morrigan can instantly change from one outfit to another in the
blink of an eye.

Morrigan can literally be in two places at once. Her favorite
tactic is to appear on both sides of an opponent and pummel the life out of
them in an attack she calls, 'Darkness Illusion'. Lilith has a similar
attack, which she dubbed, 'Illumines Illusion'.

Traits unique to Rei: 
Rei being the daughter of Morrigan and another unknown demon has developed the powers of Morrigan and Lilith use save the attack Eternal Slumber. Rei's attempts at this attack have thus far resulted in nothing more than draining her energy while the opponent walks away unscathed, but she has developed other powers unique to herself. 

She possesses familiars like her mothers and aunts (Those oh so cute bats.) but she also has a familiar created from the corpses of her victims which will feed for her when she is unable or unwilling to get close enough for physical contact.  It's called Hungry Mist and it seeps forth from her body when it is needed.

Forms of Rei:
Needlessly said Rei is not short on various forms. All carry there pluses and minuses though. In her demonic form she is no less than a berserker unable to control herself as bloodlust takes over. Her wings become strengthened losing there morphing capabilities, her fingers become strong talons, and a crown of horns form on her head where her small wings would be.. Scales over take her forearms and her legs as a tail (absent in Makai succubi) covered in spikes drops from her lower spine. Extreme rage brings this demon to light and Rei has no idea that she has become the Demon during or after the transformation.

Armor Symbiote:
Decidedly this trait stems from her father a liquid metal covers her form allowing most weapons and attacks to deflect harmlessly away.  The metal can be morphed around her body to create weapons like her wings do.  The symbiote has a will of it's own like Hungry Mist. If in fact Rei looses consciousness it will surround her body for protection.  Rei usually carries the symbiote on her shoulder or as part of her outfit.  It's a silver bat her first familliar.

Hungry Mist:
Another mutation of one of her familiars.  It resides in a choker around her throat.  If Rei is unconscious and needs energy to survive, it can leave her and collect energy from anything alive around her and return it to her.  When she is awake she has complete control over it and can use it in battle or as an assassin.

Sailor Dark Sun:
One of her more hidden secrets is the ability to become the Guardian of  the Dark Sun. Her Aunt Lilith can also become a Senshi. The attacks and various other traits associated with this are listed on the Senshi link. (Note: that I do not play her as a Sailor Scout any longer)

Rei's other Various weaknesses and traits:

The traits below in "( )" were before the death and rebirth of Rei.  After she was reborn a few things changed. 

The weakness to cold has waned due to the fact that her "other half" returned to her upon her rebirth.  Now only extreme cold will be threatening to her body.

Her banshee scream attack still works as before, it's powerful vibrations may have increased with the accumulation of the rest of her power.

The pendant that had caused so much trouble for her has finally been removed from her life. No longer will it's existence plague her.

(Rei has a weakness to extreme cold which she has struggled to deal with. Her eyes usually remain violet ,but when exposed to cold her body heats her eyes turning red.  This attempt to counter the effects could very well destroy her body.  On the reverse heat has little effect on her as her eyes become blue and her body emits a cold aura which permits her to survive. Another attack is a banshee type scream which can melt metal and destroy the ears of most mortals. Her last weakness is the pendent around her neck it's secrets rest only in her mind, and in the minds of a few trusted others.)

Well, there you have it. If you have any questions, or feel that there is
anything that I've left out, please feel free to tell me at
Rei Aensland