
     A list of links to some of my favorite pages.  Later when I get more I'll start adding more pages. If you want to have your link her just send me an email with your URL.
Home Gate
    Dominion of High Art

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rei_aensland got their NeoPet at
This is one of my favorite pages it looks really cool and she has alot of stuff on it. From Emulators to KISS dolls.

Univeral Harmony
Universal Harmony a Shrine to Uranus and Neptune. It's a nice page worth visiting.

H-Chan's Cosplay
A site with costumes made by the web master. These are really good costumes. Might learn to sow just to make some to look that cool.

Alisa's Cosplay
Another Cosplay site. These costumes are also really good featuring characters like Morrigan Aensland.

Marron Tea
A really good site to visit with alot of Dragon Ball Z fan art, sailor moon, fan art, and some original piecies done by Koji Suika.

Fantasy art of Elfwood
This page is cool it's soul purpose is showing off others art and writings. If you like fantasy this page is a must see.

Electro Analysis
A friend of mines home page... Way better than mine. Has nothing to do with Sailor Moon but still worth checking out.

Kirisu Home Page
Another of my friends homepages filled with all sorts of things visit this one too.

RE: Code Veronica Intro
The coolest intro that I have ever seen to any video game... Hope you have a good modem and some memory to spare though. The small one is 4meg and the large one is 23meg (roughly).

Sakuma Rei
My AOL charrie's web page. Sakuma Rei Aensland. It's just here to make it look like I have more links although I have gotten a few compliments on it.