Upcoming Things

Don't miss Bob da Fish's explanation on the movement of black holes in the outer regions of space. Plus a short explanation on why cheese is good.
If you want to drop me a line RaeAensland@AOL.com


July 21st, 2001
Finally got some more work done.  I added in some fan art that previously I hadn't gotten too. Also did a little fixing up in the ROM section.  Some links weren't working correctly.  I plan on doing some more work in the story section also, and maybe add some new ROMs and better emulators.

June 19th, 2001
I fixed a few broken links.  Not much still trying to determine what to really do with this page as soon as I figure it out it will be updated more often.

April 29th, 2001
The whole ROM section has been updated and moved from Brinkster.  The sound section is not finished yet and I may get rid of it since there are better places to get sounds.  I think I may add something along the lines of other anime info.

April 24th, 2001
It's been awhile since I've done a big update so I decided to.  I decided since Brinkster seems to be an incompetent server to move everything to Angelfire.  It might be awhile and chances are I might mess up with a few links if you find any broken ones please email me about it.

December 9th, 2000
Hey it's moi birthday so I decided I needed to fix and change a few things. Like load time. I found out the background on all the pages except like three were so severely lagging load time I would be surprised if anyone ever came back to my site. Well it's fixed enjoy.

November 10th, 2000
Well I had another idea. I made a new section having to do with the myth behind the scouts namesakes, also added the effect of my first to pages fading in. I will be adding a guest book to my site soon so you'll all have to sign it.

October 29th, 2000
Alright it's done... Frames and tables or no frames your choice. Also added drop down menus. Neat little addition I think at least. Maybe later I'll make my text fly in. j/k... don't want to drag down load time. Well that is about it till next idea. Bye all.

October 22nd, 2000
Talk about a major overhaul... I am planning to do away with the frames in favor of tables... Or I might do both and let the viewer decide at the greeting page. Now to tackle the problem of traffic... I need more. Also I changed the falling flowers to leaves. If you want the code for it (right click on the page with the flowers and click view source).

September 4th, 2000
Fixed up a few broken links, and the major problem of my page not working with Netscape.

August 18th, 2000
Fixed up a few small things. I plan on changing a few things like the use of (embedded) tags... Since HTML 3.2 seems not to meld well with the new search engines.

July 10th, 2000
Added a MP3 Kiskie on umi, and a new link. Not much else I think I'll slow down for now see if the search engines put me on their servers.

July 9th, 2000
Well I am still doing stuff all ROMs are up and running the only part of the page that doesn't work is the Star Wars section that I am reluctant to part with... but I probably will. Wow it's the end of the day and I got rid of the Star Wars section ::a small tear:: Anyway I replaced it with a sound library. Which will soon have some MP3s in there... For now enjoy the Midi's.

July 6th, 2000
Started Updates. Added a new welcome page. Uploaded Dragon Ball 1 Z, Dragon Ball Z Hyper Dimension, and ZSNES.

July 5th, 2000
Found two servers to handle the MP3 load www.freeservers.com and www.brinkster.com. Uploaded Sailor Moon R.

July 4th, 2000
Happy Independence Day! In honor of this day I have decided to get off my lazy butt and do some serious work to this page... We will see how it goes.