Kali's Registration Numbers
* Notes an active registration, the inactive are listed merely for historical records.


Alenstad Body Guard ARBG - 14 - 764 - 0013
Alenstad Warrior * ARW - 09 - 769 - 0015
Alenstad Ranger ARNG-77-017-007
Alenstad Wizard ARM - 08 - 770 - 0010
Alenstad Necromancer ARN - 18 - 762 - 0009
Alenstad Summoner ALSM-909-77-003
Alesntad Druid DC - 11 - 786 - 008
Healing and Resurrection
Alenstad Healer * ARH - 04 - 774 - 0030
Alenstad Priest ARP - 03 -775 - 0015

Contract Hunters/Killers

Alenstad Executioner ARE - 06 - 772 - 0016
Alenstad Bounty Hunter ARBH - 16 - 763 - 0017
Alenstad Assassin * ARA - 05 - 773 - 0013

The Arts

Alenstad Bard ARB - 12 - 766 - 0009
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