Name: Kali Ravencross
     Family: Amalthea X
     Race: Unicorn (Dark)
Age: 15
Weight: 73 lbs (H)
Height: 5'4 (H)
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Languages: Drow, English, German,    
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Human Traits ~

Eye color: Swirling Rainbow
Hair color: White with silver streaks.
     Scars / Tattoos:
Weapon of Choice: Utility staff.  Caster

Unicorn Traits ~

Eye color: Swirling Rainbow
Hair color: White with a silver mane     
          and tail.
Scars / Tattoos: None
     Weapons of Choice: Horn or Back legs
Realm of Alenstad
4d88/90920exp/42680 gp / Regs
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